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EUR/USD Chart and Analysis

Did you know that EUR/USD is one of the most traded currencies in the world and has the fifth-highest trading volume? Why does this matter to you? Because you could capitalize on the volume of forex trading and make profits. 

This guide will teach you everything you need to know about trading the EUR/USD currency pair so that you can start trading this popular pair today.

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What Is the Currency Pair EUR/USD?

EUR/USD is a currency pair that is the shortened term for the euro against the U.S. dollar. You can trade currencies like these on the foreign exchange market. It can also be a cross for the currencies of the European Union (EU) and the United States (USD). The currencies are important for purchasing goods and services across the world.

The pair indicates how many U.S. dollars are necessary to purchase one euro. In this pairing, the U.S. dollar is the quote currency and the euro is the base currency.

Let’s say a EUR/USD price is 1.2. This means to buy one euro, you have to pay 1.2 U.S. dollars. In simpler terms, 1 euro is equal to 1.2 U.S. dollars.

Central banks are responsible for fixing the price of their native currency on forex. You can use forex calculators to make accurate assessments and get the most out of your trades.

You might hear trading the EUR/USD currency pair as “trading the euro.” The value of the pair is affected by policies by the government and supply and demand in currency markets.

The Basics and Rates of EUR/USD

Around the world, EUR/USD is one of the most traded currency pairs because it represents the largest markets in the world and their economies.

The currency pair is affected by factors that influence each currency and how they relate to other currencies.

The European Central Bank (ECB) and the Federal Reserve (Fed) affect the interest rate differential value of both currencies when they are compared to one another.

For example, if the Fed were to make the open market stronger by intervening in open market activities, the value of the euro could decline which would ultimately bring the value of the pair down.

Bad news from the EU economy would also make an impact on the prices of the currency pair. When the news of the government debt crisis broke in Italy and Greece, the exchange rate of the pair plummeted.

EUR/USD Live Chart

How to read a EUR/USD Price Chart?

The price chart of the EUR/USD is unlike the stock market. For a stock, the indicated price directly represents a price for the stock. In contrast, the price chart for a currency pair represents the exchange rate of both currencies. The base currency, the euro, is fixed and represents one unit. The source of strengthening or weakening value is not reflected in the rate.

The EUR/USD pair can increase because the euro is getting stronger while the U.S. dollar is getting weaker. Either condition results in a heightened movement in the price/rate which corresponds to the upward movement in the price chart.

Let’s break this down a little bit:

  • As the price of the euro rises, the euro increases in value against the U.S. dollar
  • As the price of the euro falls, the euro loses value allowing the U.S. dollar increases in value

It’s important to note that USD/EUR is not a commonly traded forex pair and you don’t want to confuse the two. When you trade USD/EUR over the EUR/USD pair, the opposite is true of the above breakdown.

Some traders look to get the most out of their investment and may use the futures trade technique which allows you to buy or sell currency at a set time, date, and contract size.

The Euro

The euro is the official currency of the European Union, and it is also used by 19 of its 28 member states.

If we review the euro in detail, it has gone through a lot of change since its introduction in 1999. The EU added new members to its group and made changes to accommodate them. The most recent change was done in 2009 when 1 trillion euros were created for use as a temporary measure until 2012. This was done so that Greece could meet its debt obligations without defaulting on them.

Also, the euro is the second-most-used currency in the world, behind only the U.S. dollar. It is used by more than 300 million people and has become a major player in international trade. The European Central Bank – like most central banks – sets interest rates on the currency and manages its supply to ensure that inflation stays within acceptable levels.

The US Dollar

The US dollar is the most traded currency in the world. It’s also considered a safe haven currency and acts as a reserve currency for many countries. It’s, therefore, suitable for all retail investors

The US dollar has been used as a reserve currency since 1944, when it replaced gold as the official standard for exchange rates, but its dominance has only grown since then. The euro began to be introduced as an alternative reserve currency in 1999 and now accounts for around 25% of total global reserves. But the US dollar still has more than 60% of all central bank foreign exchange holdings worldwide! The dollar is so strong that it’s often used as a measure of value for other world currencies.

Is It Expensive to Trade EUR/USD?

If you want to trade in this pair, you will have to open a trading account with a forex broker available online. They will then provide you with a trading platform where you can place your trades and execute them. 

Baxia Markets offers one of the most popular trading platforms in the industry, MetaTrader 4 & MetaTrader 5. These include several indicators, trading tools, and customizable interfaces.

The cost of trading is determined by the spread. The spread is the difference between the bid and ask price of a currency pair. The bid price represents the price at which a trader can buy that currency pair, the asking price is what they can sell it for. 

The spread is an important factor in determining whether or not you will make money from trading currencies. If you’re buying a currency pair and selling it at a higher price than you paid for it, then you’ll be making money on your trade. However, if you’re selling at a lower price than you bought it at, then you’ll be losing money on the trade.

It’s important to understand that trading spreads are determined by liquidity—the availability of buyers and sellers for a particular currency pair. When there are more buyers than sellers, the spread widens because it takes longer for buyers to complete their trades. If there are more sellers than buyers, then it’ll be easier to buy or sell your currency at its best possible rate.

EUR/USD Historical​

The euro currency came from the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, but it wasn’t introduced as an accounting currency until 1999. By 2002, the euro circulated in member countries of the EU. Over time, it became the currency accepted by the European Union. It replaced a lot of member currencies and represents multiple European economies.

Because it is integrated into multiple economies, the euro stabilizes currency exchange rates and volatility for all European Union members. It is second to the U.S. dollar as the most heavily traded currency in the forex exchange market.

In the late 90s, the forex markets were different. The most commonly traded pair was the German Deutschmark against the U.S. dollar with the French Franc versus the U.S. dollar being a close second.

The German Deutschmark, the French Franc, and the Spanish Peseta among others all ceased to have separate FX rates after the euro became a physical currency in 2002.

Interesting Facts About EUR/USD

EUR/USD is one of the most-traded forex pairs in the world. Compared to other currencies that traders buy and sell, the euro is relatively newer.

You can trade this forex pair 24 hours a day along with the rest of the top five forex pairs. While the U.S. dollar and the euro are the top two traded currencies, the following are also popular trading options:

The USD makes up a fair share of over 85% of all currency-related trading volume activity which is over two times more than the euro’s share.

The currencies with higher daily shares are generally the most interesting pairs for traders on the forex trading platform. The currency prices and movement tend to be stronger and more regular than the less frequently traded currencies.

Other major foreign currency pairs like the EUR/USD on financial markets include:

When trading forex as a beginner, it’s best to stick with the major currency pairs before venturing into lesser-known pairs. There is more market data available when trading a currency pair like EUR/USD.

Speculating on the EUR/USD Currency Pair

The EUR/USD currency pair is the most traded in the world. This means that it’s also one of the most liquid, meaning that many traders are involved, and trading volumes can be massive at times.

When looking at how to trade this currency pair, it’s important to remember that it is the Euro’s value relative to US dollars that matter. If you want to speculate on how much more valuable or less valuable each will be compared to the other, then this is what you should be looking at when trying to make your decision about which side of the trade would be best for your needs as an investor or speculator.

There are two main ways that people look at when trying to determine whether they should go long or short with this currency pair: fundamental analysis (also known as technical analysis), and sentiment analysis (also known as crowd psychology).

When looking at the fundamentals of this pair, you should keep in mind that the Euro is a very strong currency. It has been a stable currency for many years, and there is no sign that this will change anytime soon. This means that it’s unlikely to lose much value compared to other currencies like USD or even the British Pound (GBP).

Remember, whenever you are speculating, it’s important you implement measures to manage risk in your trading. Good advice is not to invest what you can’t afford to lose.

When Should You Stop Losses or Take Profits With EUR/USD Forex Trading?

There are two schools of thought when it comes to take profits or stop losses in forex trading. One school of thought is that you should always take profits as soon as possible, while the other school of thought is that you should always stop losses as soon as possible.

On one hand, you may believe that taking profits early can help you increase your risk exposure. On the other hand, you may believe that stopping losses early can help you limit the number of potential gains and losses on a trade.

Ultimately, there is no right or wrong answer to this question. However, it’s important to understand how each approach impacts your overall trading strategy and risk management practices before making any decisions about which approach is best for you.

What Measures Can Traders Use to Mitigate Their Risk?

When you’re trading EUR/USD, the market can be difficult to navigate. There are so many factors that can affect the price of the currency, and it’s hard to know what’s going to happen.

You can mitigate your risk by using stop-losses. These are a type of order that tells your broker to sell if the price drops below a certain point—that way you won’t lose more than what you’re willing to lose. You can also use take-profit orders, which tell your broker to buy at a certain point so that you don’t end up selling at a loss.

Another way to mitigate your risk is by hedging: buying or selling another currency that moves in the opposite direction as the one you’re trying to trade with, so if one goes down, the other goes up.

How to Trade the EUR/USD Pair

The EUR/USD pair is one of the most liquid pairs in the world and is used by many traders as a proxy for risk appetite—the health of Europe’s economy. When Europe is doing well, the value of this pair rises; when it’s not, it falls.

The pair’s short-term movements are largely driven by fundamental analysis (what’s happening in Europe), but its longer-term trends are more influenced by technical analysis (fundamental factors repeated over time).

At the time of writing, the EUR/USD pair is trading at 1.1454. This means that one euro is worth 1.1454 U.S. dollars.

How to Analyze the EUR/USD Pair

The first step in analyzing the EUR/USD pair is to determine whether there is a trend. If you have a strong fundamental understanding of the currency pairs you trade, this will be easy for you.

However, if not, there are other ways to analyze your pair and determine its direction. One such method involves using technical analysis. Technical analysis uses price movements over time to predict future trends to find profitable trades.

While this may sound like it would be more valuable for short-term traders than long-term ones, technical analysis can still help if you’re able to spot trends early on or identify when they’re about to change course. To determine the direction of the pair, we need to look at its price chart. You can find one easily at the top of this article or click here to jump to the live EUR/USD chart now

Speculate on the Future Direction of the US Dollar by Trading EUR/USD

The EUR/USD is a popular currency pair because it allows traders to speculate on the future direction of the US dollar. Traders can buy euros and sell dollars at any point during the trading day.

There is no restriction on how long they wish to hold their position open. However, there are risks involved with trading currencies: if you’re wrong about which way a currency will move, you could lose money.

The EUR/USD is one of many currencies that make up the Forex market—the global marketplace where currencies are bought and sold 24 hours a day by speculators worldwide (or “traders”).

EUR/USD Trading Can Be Profitable

After reading this article, you should have a good understanding of how to trade the EUR/USD pair. You should also be able to analyze the currency’s current situation and make predictions about future market movements.

If done correctly, EUR/USD trading can be one of the most profitable pairs in the world that could make you a tidy sum. When you increase your knowledge and learn more information, then you will likely have an improved chance to make better trading decisions. 







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